sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009

Caso clínico

Hoje resolvi colocar um caso clínico que acompanhei e apresentei recentemente em uma conferência.
Minha intenção é ilustrar aos médicos hematologistas , os diversos desafios que nos deparamos e a necessidade de um tratamento cada vez mais individualizado de acordo com a realidade de cada instituição.Chamo a atenção para a diversidade da apresentação do mieloma , das opções de tratamento atualmente disponíveis e dos eventos adversos que ocasionalmente podem ocorrer.

ID: PCA,60 years, female , teacher, from rj
General phisician: pallor , exertional dyspneia , anemia hgb:7,5g/dl , refractory to iron therapy and folate , 2 red blood cell unit transfusion
PH: nefrectomized and asthma
§Hematologist: monoclonal protein 3,5g/dl , IF:IgA-K , marrow aspirate: 30% plasmocite infiltration, hgb :6,5g/dl , normal renal function and calcium, difuse osteopenia, normal cytogenetics , Fish 13 negative

Diagnosis: Multiple Myeloma , DS III-A , ISS 2 , at may/06

1- Initial treatment

Induction +Transplant ( )
Non transplant – new agents ( )

2- Induction Therapy

Tal + Dexa ( )
VAD ( )
LEN + DEX ( )
VEL + DEX ( )
Combo 3 drugs ( )
(New agents)

§Induction: Thal 200mg/day and Dex40mg/day D1-D4 , D9- D12 , D17-D20 3 cycles , zoledronic acid 4mg/month
àpartial response , improvement blood counts
àfemur osteonecrosis -> Dex suspension
§Autologous transplant regimen :Mel 200mg/m² (Feb/2007)
D100 partial response -> mainteinance thalidomide100mg/day
Joint replacement surgery

At 1 year after transplant bulky relapse blood smear: leucoeritroblastic reaction,
anemia 5g/dl , transfusional dependence twice weekly ptnM:3g/dl , marrow aspirate: 100% plasmocites , ldh :620, hepatoesplenomegaly (Figure 3)

3-Early bulky relapse after transplant ,manegement

1- Second transplant ( )
2- Velcade combo ( )
3-Lenalidomide combo ( )
4- RIC alo transplant ( )
5- DT-Pace ( )
6- other ( )

We decided to use the schedule Vel-Ciclo-Dex :Vel 1,0mg/m² D1,D4,D8,D11 ; Ciclo 400mg/m² D1,D8,D15
Dexa 40mg D1-D4
Early hematologic and clinical response
Adverse events: blured vision à retinal thrombosis with fast vision recovery(Figure 1,2)

After 8 cycles : normal EF with IF + , bone marrow 30% infiltration , improvement of hepatoesplenomegaly

4 - After 3 months : second relapse : monoclonal ptn: 3 g/dl and anemia.How to manage this patient?

Len combo ( )
Tal Combo ( )
Vel retreatment ( )
Second auto transplant ( )
Alo-ric transplant ( )
Clincal trial ( )

Our group individualized decision was second auto-transplant
àDuring the procedure she had serious engrafment syndrome: rash ,pulmonary edema and diarrea.
At D+100 - Complete remission !


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